

Unique Product Enables Slot and Video Poker Play Without Physical Touch

PHOENIX, AZ —May 26, 2021 Touch-LESS Gaming, a transformative electronic sensor technology company that provides casinos with an easy to install way to offer safer, more sanitary video poker and slot machine play, announced today that it has installed its contactless button technology at three Logrand Entertainment Group casinos in Mexico to evaluate and assess the technology’s ability to enable game play without requiring physical touch. By reducing the physical contact required to play, Touch-LESS Gaming’s patent-pending technology minimizes the potential of pathogen transmission, creating a safer gaming environment, and encourages players who have been reluctant to play to return while providing the inevitable need for Touch-LESS play.

Using advanced sensor technology encased within a durable button casing, Touch-LESS Gaming’s buttons quickly and easily replace analog machine buttons with advanced buttons that can be activated via an embedded sensor and do not require physical touch. This contactless technology reduces a player’s direct contact with the machine, enabling them to play their preferred game without requiring them to repeatedly touch game surfaces. With the dramatically heightened awareness to the potential for contracting transmittable pathogens caused by the current pandemic, Touch-LESS’s technology provides casino operators with a more sanitary way to offer slot and video poker play that also reduces machine cleaning requirements.

“We are so pleased to be working with the Logrand Entertainment Group to bring our transformative sensor technology to Mexico and the global gaming industry,” commented Christy Lemons, Touch-LESS Gaming’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer. “As our very first installation partner, we appreciate Logrand’s progressive commitment to providing their players with a safer, more sanitary slot machine experience that helps better protect them from transmittable pathogens like the COVID-19 virus. We look forward to exceeding their expectations during the product trials at the Jubilee (the largest casino in Mexico), Dubai Palace (located in Cancún, MX) and Paradise (located in Nuevo León, MX) casinos and then working with them to deploy our sensor technology across additional machines and locations.”

“Logrand Entertainment Group is appreciative of the dedication Touch-LESS Gaming has shown in developing technology that helps our players enjoy their favorite slot and video poker machines in a futuristic and safer way,” said Jorge Miranda, Product Manager. “In each location, we have installed their button technology on multiple highly popular games and have been pleased with the acceptance they have received so far from our players.”

eClear Software for Vaccination Screening

As the gaming industry is working to restore the ability for in person gaming, technology companies are innovating to find ways to make the process as seamless as possible. The eConnect eClear automation is a setup for a contactless entry way where persons who have had the Coronavirus vaccine would be issued a card, QR code, or other method that would be detectable by the entry way. This would allow free movement for those persons that have had the vaccine administered to them.

This would also provide an easy way of identifying persons who come into contact with an infected person through contact tracing. This type of knowledge would allow for freer movement along the Las Vegas strip for patrons and an a higher peace of mind for casino staff.


Covid-19 Becoming Nevada’s Top Killer

This month is seeing covid-19 surpassing cancer and heart disease as the number one killer in Nevada. As a state whose economy depends on tourism it creates a difficult situation as local hospital staff is trying to keep up with the increasing demand of their services. Creating new facilities wouldn’t alleviate the problem either due to the need for additional staff to keep up with the demand.

Touch-Less Gaming Sensor Technology was created out of a need to help; now and into the future. We believe that reducing the physical contact for gaming industry slot and video poker machines along with standard precautions can potentially reduce the risk to casino patrons as well as employees. Social distancing, wearing a mask, and touch free solutions are a great way to mitigate the risks of flu, RSV, and Covid-19.


Las Vegas open for New Years

Las Vegas will be open at limited capacity for New Years Eve this year. A normal New Year’s Eve has a large number of tourists that flock to Las Vegas to enjoy the holiday. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic things are going to be much different this year and while acknowledging that it has risks to partake that precautions are being taken to lower risks of infection for those that attend.

Local officials are weighing the economy vs overburdening the health care system on a daily basis. The hope is that those that come to Las Vegas for the year will follow guidelines to keep themselves and others safe.

As Las Vegas is primarily a hospitality and tourism driven for a large portion of their economy. The normal major events are understandably canceled for this year. As Las Vegas takes precautions to allow for tourism and gaming to drive their economy while keeping patrons and employees safe. Social distancing, masks, and limited capacity are great ways to do so. We feel that for gaming it would also be safer to utilize Touch-LESS Gaming’s Sensor Technology for slot and video poker machines. Less contact with surfaces is less chance of spreading and receiving pathogens left on devices from previous patrons.


Prolonged Disinfectant Use

With the world working to stay safe from the COVID pandemic it comes at recognizing the opportunity cost of our heightened cleanliness to attempt to combat the disease. Many people are concerned with the high use of disinfectants and if there are possible health hazards. The Wall Street Journal published an article regarding steps to take to ensure people use these products safely.

To reduce the dependence on disinfectant we believe that reducing contact with physical surfaces is a key factor to keeping people safe. Touch-LESS Gaming’s Sensor Technology allows patrons of video slot or poker machines to play without coming into contact with the devices themselves. While this does not reduce all risk, it certainly has the potential to reduce the risks posed to casino patrons and staff. A Touch-LESS world is the way of the future.


Scientific Games contactless wallet solution for Mobile Devices

Scientific Games contactless wallet solution is an interesting innovation to combat COVID-19. The ability to have a wallet to log a player into a slot or video poker machine to trigger the disabling of other machines in the near vicinity to enforce social distancing is a great example of technology solution to the problem of social distancing. This type of solution allows a patron to not touch anything to login and if used in conjunction with Touch-LESS Gaming’s sensor technology could create a completely touch free gaming experience.


Everi’s WinStar Wallet Launched

Everi has announced the rollout of the Everi CashClub Wallet as a means of providing funds without physical contact to devices on the casino floor. Touch free solutions are making great steps in fighting Covid related issues. The ability to add funds to casinos is a great step in providing a more safe casino floor for patrons as well as casino staff members! This in conjunction with Touch-LESS Gaming’s sensor technology would allow for a completely touch free experience! We are happy to see the strides the gaming industry is undertaking to make a safer gaming environment.


Wynn Las Vegas employees test positive for COVID-19

Wynn Las Vegas had over 500 employees test positive for COVID-19 since reopening in June. Most of these employees (98%) contracted the disease outside of work. As a casino deals so much with the public it is great to see the company staying ahead of the problem with their testing strategies! (Source:

As we all work together to try and prevent further spread of COVID-19 it’s important to know that people can come into contact and contract the disease in so many ways.

Touch-Less Gaming’s goal is to help casinos deliver safer gaming for their patrons and employees. At TLG we have made Touch-LESS Sensor Button technology available to casinos to allow for touch free activation of video poker & slot machines. Reducing the need to touch objects may potentially lessen pathogen spread of COVID/Flu and other unidentified pathogens to date. For more information please check out our website at

CDC Gambling Guidelines & Touch-LESS as the future of gaming!

The CDC issued a statement about gambling and the actions needed to keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can see they say wipe down buttons between players, that is NOT happening anywhere, at least not in the 19 casinos we went to across AZ and NV within the last 6 weeks:

This article presents an interesting idea from IGT, but does not solve the problem in the way that Touch-LESS Gaming does!

Great quote for us though, And Wilson says Nevada can be expected to lead the way:
“Regulators here have identified that the casino economy is so critically important to the health of the Nevada economy in general, so they’re always looking to be at the forefront of technologies how do we keep the industry relevant moving forward in a way that protects the player and the integrity of gaming.” Wilson said. “We do see them as the gold standard. They’re always pushing the boundaries in terms of what technology can mean to the casino industry.”

CDC updates COVID-19 transmission webpage to clarify information about types of spread

Based on data from lab studies on COVID-19 and what we know about similar respiratory diseases, it may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this isn’t thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

Although not the main source of transmission, it is important for all to take active steps to reduce all forms of virus transmission. TLG surveyed several casinos across Arizona and Nevada from July 1st -15th and found increased safety measures including temperature checks at casino entry, mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, disposable pens for check signing, hand washing stations, hand sanitizer, and increased cleaning by casino employees. Not all measures were applied at any one casino surveyed. Despite these increased measures, pathogen spreading behaviors by the patrons remain. Gamblers touch various games and then with the same hand rub their eyes, touch their face moving their mask to drink, twist off drink caps, smoke, and text all potentially transmitting pathogens.

Despite the best efforts of casino staff, most devices often could not be cleaned in between uses. Although there are improvements in sanitation and safety at all casinos surveyed, there is still an opportunity to add additional safety measures. Touch-LESS Gaming offers additional safety for button operated video poker and slot machines. The technology is Plug & Play and can easily convert existing machines to touch-less operation and thus removing the risk of virus transmission from infected surfaces.